cathy vanover. photographer. story teller.
For as long as I can remember, I've looked at the world around me in pictures. I love the beautiful landscapes of God's creation; from the indescribable colors of a magnificent sunset to the hushed quietness of newly falling snow blanketing a mountainous backdrop. The handiwork of the Lord is even more evident in the unique tapestry of humanity. Every human is destined to weave a story, unique and yet shared. As a photographer, you quickly realize that the story of one's life is revealed through the face, especially the eyes.
It has been said that the eyes "are a window to the soul". The wonderment in the eyes of a newborn, the mischievousness in the eyes of a toddler, the confidence to conquer the world in the eyes of a high school senior, the hope in the eyes of a bride, the weariness in the eyes of a ninety-year old. Every face has a story to tell and I am blessed that you have included me in the process. Never will you feel rushed in the creation of your beautiful portraits! My time will be devoted to you and your family as we illustrate the newest chapter in your life.